Yesterday, a homeless man who was dirty and sad came up to me

Yesterday, a homeless man approached me, looking worn and defeated. He asked for $20, but I gave him $50. His eyes lit up with gratitude, and as I told him to take care of himself, he smiled and asked, “Don’t you remember me?”

It turns out he was Ross, a high school classmate. I was shocked—Ross had once protected me, but now he was a shadow of the person I knew. He told me his story: joining a gang, substance abuse, failed relationships, jail time, and kids who no longer wanted him.

As I drove home, I wondered how our lives, which started so similarly, had diverged so much. The answer, I realized, was parenting. While Ross ran wild with no discipline, I had strict parents who enforced rules and taught me values. At the time, I resented their firmness, but now I’m grateful. It shaped who I am today.

So, to all parents: educate the child. That’s how we change this world.

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